J.J. Lally & Co., Oriental Art / New York City, New York


Past Exhibition

Early Chinese Ceramics: An American Private Collection

March 28 - April 16, 2005


Northern Song Dynasty, A.D. 11th/early 12th Century

of well potted shallow circular form, the steeply rounded sides curving gently inward towards the wide mouth and rounded in to a wide base resting on a small, neatly pared ring foot, covered inside and out with an unctuous blue glaze of opaque ‘robin’s egg’ blue tone, with a reddish-purple splash of cloud shape ornamenting one side, the blue glaze thinning to mushroom color where it drains from the lip, the interior base glazed and the footrim left unglazed showing the gray stoneware body burnt to reddish-brown in the firing.

Diameter 4 14 inches (10.8 cm)

Compare the plain blue Junyao bowl of similar size and form, from the Seligman Collection, now in the British Museum, illustrated by Gray in Sung Porcelain and Stoneware, London, 1984, p.87, fig. 67, and previously illustrated by Ayers in the catalogue of The Seligman Collection of Oriental Art, Vol. II, London, 1964, pl. XXXIV, no. D93.

北宋  鈞窯藍釉紫斑碗  徑 10.8 厘米