Song Dynasty, A.D. 12th Century
finely decorated in high relief with a central medallion of a butterfly and flowering gourd vine with five-petal flowers interspersed with curling tendrils and feathery three-pointed leaves, encircled by a broad frieze of highly stylized foliated scroll incorporating lotus, peony and chrysanthemum flowers on leafy stems, edged with a keyfret border below the lip, the fine white porcelaneous body covered with an ivory-colored glaze continuing over the shallow ring foot and pooling in some areas to show the characteristic ‘tear-marks’ effect, the rim divided into six shallow lobes and mounted with a narrow copper band.
Diameter 7 3⁄4 inches (19.7 cm)
Moulded Ding wares are seen in several different sizes, shapes and patterns many of which are seen repeatedly. The pattern of this dish is quite rare and appears to be previously unrecorded.
宋 定窯印團花紋碗 徑 19.7 厘米